Phoenix, AZ
Quail Chase
A completely unexpected and fabulous new addition to the family in 2019, "Titan" is a wonderfully bred puppy
and a partially new bloodline in our house. Big, thick, bouncey and agile, this handsome boy is a nice blend
of his dam and sire. One minute he's stoic and quiet, the next minute he's zooming aimlessly
around the yard just for the joy of running. Titan is supremely confident, very biddable,
so so loving and a total clown! Thank you to Rea Chang (Raysun Labradors),
we are over the moon for this wonderful boy!!!
Titan's Accomplishments
Select Dog - San Joaquin Kennel Club Lodi, CA, 08/13/22 JUDGE: Mrs. Mareth K. Kipp
Select Dog 5 Pt Major - Reno Kennel Club, Reno, NV 08/20/22 Judge Gregory Anderson
Select Dog 5 Pt Major - Reno Kennel Club, Reno, NV 08/21/22 JUDGE Mrs. Terry M. DePietro
Winners Dog - Scottsdale Dog Fanciers, 11/23/19, Scottsdale, AZ - judge Jamie Hubbard
Reserve Winners - Madera Canyon KC, 11/10/19, Tucson, AZ - judge Thomas W. Shultz
Reserve Winners - Heart Of Texas LRC, 11/26/19, Austin, TX - judge Stacy Stintzcum
1st 12=15 Class - The LRC Labradors Nationals, Chino, CA - judge Dr. Karen Helmers
1st 12-15 Class - Santa Barbara KC, 8/245/19, Santa Barbara, CA - judge Lisa Weiss
1st 12-15 Class - Central Wyoming KC, 7/26/19, Casper Wyoming - judge Desmond Murphy
1st 12-15 Class - Central Wyoming KC, 7/27/19, Casper Wyoming - judge Ann Savory Bulus
Winners Dog - Flagstaff Arizona KC, 7/26/19, F;agstaff AZ - judge Shelley S. Hennessy
WD/Best of Winners - Santa Maria KC, 7/7/19, Santa Maria, CA - judge James E. Noe
1st 9-12 Puppy Class - High Desert Labrador Specialty - 7/4/19 - judges Susan Huntzinger & Allison Rogers
Sire BOSS GCHB CH QuailChase Bear Creek Jolly Joe (chlt) | Sire GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall (ch) | Sire | Sire Ch Cavens' Cocoa-Mo Brute (chlt) |
Dam Hunt Club Miss Corey CD (chlt) | |||
Dam | Sire CH Stonecrest's Davy Crockett (ch) | ||
Dam Windfalls Martigras-Merengue | |||
Dam QuailChase Bearcreek Darlin Doe (Blk) | Sire BISS GCH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable (Blk) | Sire | |
Dam | |||
Dam Bonaventure Good Karma At QuailChase (chlt) | Sire Towncroft's Evan Of Bonaventure(chlt) | ||
Dam Mallorn's Nutmeg (chlt) | |||
Dam | Sire | Sire GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall (ch) | Sire Mjr Pntd Liberty's Broad Ridge (chlt) |
Dam Dune Dancer's Windfall Margarita at QuailChase | |||
Dam Epoch's Treasure (chlt) | Sire CH WIlcare Leisure Suit Larry (chlt) | ||
Dam CH Epoch's Brown Baggin (chlt) | |||
Dam | Sire MBISS GCH CH Sureshot Hyspire Impressive (Blk) | Sire BISS CH WIndfall's Pipe Major (blk) | |
Dam CH Janrod's Tammy Why Not (chlt) | |||
Dam Multi-BISS GCH CH SGF-2B Of Lab Space (blk) | Sire Korean CH Pem-1 Of Lab Space (blk) | ||
Dam Heritage JP Royal Silk |
GCH CH Raysun QuailChase Titan
GCH CH QuailChase Bearcreek Jolly Joe X Raysun Orgullosa Reyna
Born 8/06/18- Deceased 7/20/24
Bc (Black carrying chocolate)
OFA Hips: GOOD OFA Elbows: Clear/Normal PRA/PRCD: Clear EIC: Clear HNPK: Clear
Copper Toxicosis: Clear ( carries protective gene) CERF: Clear (annually) Heart: Echo (Clear 2021)
D-Locus/Dilute Gene: Clear DM: Clear Long Coat: Negative (clear) MCD: Clear Dentition: Full
Breeder - Rea Chang, (Raysun), El Paso, TX Owners - Duke & Tina Donahue, (Quail Chase) Phoenix, AZ